Zeiss modified siemens star chart pdf
Zeiss modified siemens star chart pdf

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Finally, a full analysis of the image quality test results can be done using the iq-analyzer analysis software. We have also developed advanced solutions such as the iq-automator, which fully automates testing with just one click. We also provide various measurement devices for accurately measuring the different functions of a camera system, such as shutter time lag or image stabilization. Our illumination devices, many of which are based on iq-led technology, provide uniform illumination of the test chart or test scene. Our products and solutions are centered around the 250+ test charts that are expertly designed for the assessment of the many different image quality factors, including camera resolution, distortion, flare, etc. Today, we house the industry s largest independent test laboratory and have become one of the world s leading suppliers for image quality test equipment and solutions. We have helped companies from various industries around the world improve their imaging devices by utilizing our image quality tests, equipment, and knowledge. Since our founding in 1997, we have become a global leader in image quality testing. 9 mm (1 /3 ty pe ) C M O S sensor Gross: Approx.1 Solutions to test imagequality Image Engineering Product Catalog 2021Ģ Introduction Dear Image Quality Professionals, We thank you for your continued support over the years and, more importantly, for your pursuit of the highest level of image quality. 1 min 45 s (using a PHDVM-63 DM cassette and AC Adaptor) V ie w f i nd er E le ct r ic v ie w f in de r ( co lo r, black and white) I ma ge de v ic e 5. 2 m in 4 0 s r e w i n d t i m e ( u s i n g a P H D V M - 6 3 D M cassette and rechargeab le battery pack) Approx. 8 1 2 m m / s (DVSP) R ec or di n g/ 6 3 m i n ( u s i n g a P H D V M - 6 3 p la y ba ck t im e D M ca ss e tt e ) (HDV) R ec or di n g/ 4 1 m i n ( u s i n g a P H D V M - 6 3 p la y ba ck t im e D M ca ss e tt e ) (DVCAM) R ec or di n g/ 6 3 m i n ( u s i n g a P H D V M - 6 3 p la y ba ck t im e D M ca ss e tt e ) (DV SP) F as t f or w ar d/ Ap pr o x. 2 1 8 m m / s (DVCAM) T a p e s p e e d A p p r o x. 8 1 2 m m / s (HDV) T a p e s p e e d A p p r o x. Recording system Audio record ing Ro tar y hea ds, MP EG -1 Aud io s y s t e m L a y e r - 2, Q u a n t i z a t i o n : 1 6 b i t s ( H D V ) ( F s 4 8 k H z, s t e r e o ) transfer rate: 384 kbps Aud io r eco rdi ng Rot ary hea ds, P CM s yst em sy st em (D VC AM Quan tizat ion: 12 bi ts (F s 32 ( D V ) ) k H z, s t e r e o 1, s t e r e o 2 ), 16 bits (Fs 48 kHz, stereo) V id eo si gn al NT SC co lo r, EI A st an da rd s 1080/60i specification Us ab le c as se tt e Mi ni D V ca ss et te w it h th e or Mini DVCAM cassette with the mark printed T a p e s p e e d A p p r o x.

Zeiss modified siemens star chart pdf